Ovation Amenities
Auto Detailing
Services that just make sense.
Suites for your vehicle to receive a make over.
Tires will be clean and ready to go after a car detailing service!
Days a week you'll be able to utilize valet services to get here and there.
Ovation! Valet has you covered.
Whether you live, work, or play here, you can do more than just leave your car in a safe well-lit spot. The Ovation Valet can provide many services including an exterior, interior wash, or full detail.
Going away and need a car sitter? We do that too.
Winters away are great but not for your car. If you live or work here if you enroll in the Ovation Valet care program we will store, start, and keep your car in tip-top shape until you return.
Ovation Valet services will begin as The Boardwalk Residences open.
Check back for more details as they become available.